Energy transformation resulting from global and European agreements on climate neutrality will significantly affect the energy sector in the coming years. The dynamics of the changes accelerates the impairment of the existing assets, but also enforces investment decisions regarding new energy sources and development of new technologies.
The transformation brings challenges and risks related to changes in legal regulations, development and adaptation of the infrastructure, but must also take into account trends in the consumption model set by households. Changes on the market are followed by business deals involving energy investments at various phases of development.
We help our Clients from the energy sector with their strategic decisions to improve their competitive advantage and efficiencies.
Services for the energy sector include:
- financial audit
- transaction-related advisory (financial and tax due diligence, completion accounts, transaction support)
- advisory related to reorganisation and restructuring of business (mergers, spin-offs, group reorganisation)
- business consulting (budget analysis, financial processes analysis and optimisation)
- enterprise valuation (purchase price allocation, impairment tests)
- adaptation of accounting and financial reporting models to changes in the business model
- financial reporting advisory (implementation of new standards, consolidation, disclosure optimisation, improvement of internal reporting or group reporting)
- support in preparation of the financial statements for the stock exchange (implementation of IFRS standards, drafting of the first financial statements according to IFRS standards, support in drafting the prospectus and first reporting for the stock exchange)
- optimisation of financial reporting (improved transparency for the users, increasing the information value of the financial statements for investors)